

No before picture avail.

All of the windows were replaced with Anderson Double Hung wood windows.
The center second story window was originally a double window similar to
the two side windows. The bathroom in this center location was remodeled
requiring this window to be taken out and replaced with a new single double
hung window. The original bricks saved from the garage teardown were used to
fill in the open areas created by the bathroom changes.

The old flat roof garage was torn down and repalced by this new two story 720
square foot garage complete with swimming pool changing area, small bath, and
a large pool equipment and mechanical room. The garage is heated for year round
comfort. The second story provided lots of storage space and is fully finished
with carpet, painted drywall, recessed lighing and mouldings.

This picture shows the west side of the garage with the mechanical room door
on the left, the bathroom door in the middle, and the garage side entry door
on the right

Another perspective of the west side.

This shot is taken from the redwood deck area off of the kitchen. It shows the garage
doors on the front.

New driveway with rebar reinforcement.

New retaining wall with integrated fence support posts.