View from backyard of new deck & addition.

Another angle of rear addition.

View of addition area where the covered porch used to be.

Interior view of kitchen family room.

Family room.

New kitchen.

View towards dining room. Partition wall between the kitchen and dining area was removed to provide for the pass through counter.

The partition wall at the stairwell was also cut back to provide a more open feel in the kitchen.

View from living room towards dining room. New floors were installed in dining area to match living room. New fireplace, surround, and built-ins were added.

View of kitchen after base painting is complete. The fireplace wall will be sponge painted. Tile and hardwood floors are complete. Cabinets are
being installed

View of the kitchen from the exterior wall towards the cabinet area.

Perparation for the deck is underway. The string shows the outline of the deck area. The hot-tub will be located near the grass area.

Stucco complete.

The exterior brick wainscoating is complete and prep work for stucco has begun.

Preparations for base coat of stucco are underway, fascia and soffits are nearing completion.

This shot shows the prep work for stucco. The brick wainscoating that was salvaged from the home can be seen beneath the plastic. The new
aluminum fascia/soffit can also be seen.

Footings for the foundation are being placed.

Foundations are complete and backfilling has been finished. Bricks are being removed from the existing kitchen eating area. The new foundation will be
the additional kitchen area added to the home.

Framing on the floor section is beginning.

Framing view showing the new enlarged kitchen area.

View of sheathing being placed.

View of window openings and fireplace bumpout.

View of kitchen addition and dining room enlargement.

View of interior kitchen area after original walls have been removed.

Another view of future kitchen area.

Kitchen view showing french door area leading to future deck with hot tub.

Kitchen view showing new windows in place. Interior prep is underway prior to insulation and drywall. A new furnace and central air system
have been installed. Electrical wiring is being done and the floor areas are being prepared for hardwoods and tile. Kitchen cabinets will be
installed the week after Memorial Day.

This picture shows the area that will be worked on. The existing kitchen has a small dining area. This area can be seen by the small bump out
in the center of the home. The addition will extend about fourteen feet into the backyard and widened to eighteen feet. The kitchen will be
replaced. The formal dining room area will be extended seven feet into an existing covered patio area. The following picture depicts this area.

Another view of the project area. The dining room will be extended under the patio.